A Letter to Huey P. Newton [1] I’m quite sure people will look upon my attitude and sentiments and look for hypocrisy and hatred in my words. My revolution is born out of love for my people, not hatred for others. -Immortal Technique [2] It should also be understood that the racial sparks that are ignited here in America today could easily turn into a flaming fire abroad, which only means it could engulf all the people of this earth into a giant race war. You can't confine it to one little neighborhood, or one little community, or one little country. -Malcolm X [3] Hello Huey, Of course, you do not know me personally since you died five years before my birth. Yet, I have no doubt you have known me many times over in your interactions with young men and women eager to learn and engage in the struggle against oppression. I know you because you have earned your place among the ranks of the greatest r...
An exploration of Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability reflections from PLU Student Leaders, Advocates, and Activists. Spring 2021 we are asking contributors to reflect on anti-racism.