Dude, White guy, MAN! Please. This isn’t funny. Your continual disregard for my personal space, my comfort, my safety, my wishes, and adamant rejection of your advances are not funny. Are disrespectful. Are wack as hell. Are uncomfortable. Are pissing me the F-OFF!
Back up. Don’t you sense my discomfort, my anger, my growing rage?!? Or is my history, my identity, my story something to be ignored and devalued?
How can I help you understand that your size overshadows my 5’3” frame? How can I help you understand years of patriarchy, racism, and classism? Do you realize that you are perpetuating these –ism? What do I need to do to make you understand that my humanity is being reduced to a game that you are intent on winning? Or maybe, it’s not my job to make you understand…
By Angie Hambrick
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