Last weekend I attend the ACPA Institute for Social Justice: Envisioning Vulnerability in Social Justice Education. The institute was packed with opportunities to participate in dialogue with those with similar salient identities and hear from awesome speakers who shared their social justice journeys, research, and perspectives about vulnerability. While at the institute my understanding of vulnerability became twisted and complex – particularly as a white female social justice educator. Here is the tension that I am currently sitting with:
The need to lean into the discomfort of the work…
Brene Brown’s TedTalk The Power of Vulnerability has been viewed by over 17,000 people and has found its way onto college campuses through leadership trainings and helping frame community development models and was a framework for ACPA ISJ. Brene suggests vulnerability is necessary and fundamental to building human connectedness and the ability to empathize, belong, and love.
I believe human connectedness is core to being a social justice advocate. A huge part of my social justice journey has been examining my identities, how they allow me to walk through this world and shape my perspectives and biases and sharing these feelings and reflections through dialogue with others. For many, this process is not natural, myself included. In order to share my authentic self with others I have to lean into the discomfort of the work, be ok with the mess, the emotions, the awkwardness, and being vulnerable. As a social justice educator I often ask my students to challenge themselves to step outside of their comfort zones and participate in ways that will encourage personal growth. I believe through intimate conversations and connections with others we will create positive social change.
…and the privilege of choosing when to be vulnerable.
And yet there is the reality that not everyone is able to select when they want to lean into discomfort. Rather, there are many who are vulnerable without choice because they do not live amongst systems and situations that allow them to feel empowered and/or contribute fully or equally as others. The potential fear of hurt, harm, or rejection that I (white, able-bodied, middle class, straight, woman) might feel as a result of choosing to be vulnerable are daily realities for others. Why would those who have had to be vulnerable choose to lean into that again?
As an educator and facilitator of social justice conversations, how can I build brave spaces that encourage all to share authentically AND is ready to support in meaningful ways when individuals choose to be vulnerable?
On a side note: Check out this awesome spoken word artist that performed at the ACPA ISJ institute: Guante
By Nicole Juliano
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