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Microaggrssions: Three things I recently re-learned

This week I had the opportunity to join Dr. Galen Cicel’s Race and Ethnicity class to talk about microaggressions.  This was a fun opportunity that allowed me to get out of my office, meet a new group of students, and brush up on a topic that is profoundly present in everyday life.  Microaggressions as defined by Sue (2010) are “the brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial, gender, sexual-orientation, and religious slights and insults to the target person or group (5).”  They happen everywhere and anywhere (home, school, work the grocery store) are often unintentional and a reflection of our hidden biases.  Because they are “micro” it is easy for them to go unnoticed or questioned as significant.  Yet, they can hurt deeply particularly when they are compounded on top of each other.  In brushing up on the microaggressions literature, humors Buzzfeed videos, and college campus’ response to microaggressions here are three things I was reminded of:

Microagressions can be environmental
We often talk about verbal microaggressions – “Where are you from?” or “I believe the smartest and most qualified students should be admitted” or “ you have a note taker? Why don’t you take your own notes?”  - but not as much about environmental microaggressions “the numerous demeaning and threatening social, educational, political, or economic cues that are communicated individually, institutionally, or societally to marginalized groups” (25).”  A few environmental microaggressions that come to mind include men being promoted more frequently to leadership positions then their female colleagues, few to no faculty or staff of color, a non ADA compliant campus, budgets that reflect greater importance on social activities rather than social justice initiatives or faculty/staff/student leadership formation, celebrating Christian holidays and not recognizing other significant dates of other religious/spiritual groups.  Although probably unintentional, they are all structural examples that create an impact that says to target identity groups “you are different”, “you are not important”, and “we are not trying to create a community where you feel like you belong.”

We are ALL conditioned to give and receive microaggressions
We live in a world in which we are socialized at a young age and have biases based upon our upbringing and exposure to systems.  Unintentionally, many microaggressions arise out of our biases often shaped by norming the language, beauty standards, and beliefs of the dominant culture.  Microagressions can happen between a dominant identity and a target identity or horizontally between target identities.  Using myself as an example, as a young Hawaiian female a few people have said to me “Let’s get someone who looks like they know what they are doing” or “You don’t look Hawaiian, are you sure your not just from Hawaii?”.  And yet as a white, U.S. born, middle class, straight person, with a masters degree I have a whole lot of privilege that garners me the opportunity to avoid being the target of microaggressions most of the time.  Along with that I have screwed up a lot and been the perpetrator of microaggressions – something that I am sure my students, colleagues, and friends have witnessed.

We probably wont be able to avoid them
Yes, in a fantasy would we might be able to live without microaggressions.  But for the time being we have to know how to navigate a world with them.  Here are a few tips if you commit a microaggressions:
  • ·      Be in tune with body language
  • ·      Listen when someone raises a concern
  • ·      Do not invalidate a person’s experience
  • ·      Lean into the discomfort
  • ·      Seek feedback on behavior or environment
  • ·      Reflect, unpack, and learn from experience.

And as a victim of microaggressions:
  • ·      Reduce the ambiguity of the event – naming the type of microaggressions and root of the issue can help make the microaggressions concrete and easier to manage
  • ·      Seek social support and reassurance – Often times acknowledgement from peers and allies saying “No, you aren’t crazy” is helpful in naming the situation
  • ·      Practice managing a triggering event
  • ·      When ready, educate others – by no means it is your job to educate, but this is helpful when seeking to grow and sustain a relationship

A few ways to avoid microaggressions:
  • ·      Seek to learn more about defining, recognizing, and deconstructing, microaggressions – for ourselves as victims and perpetrators
  • ·      Learn more about our individual biases and pause to think before speaking or doing.
  • ·      Listen to the stories of others to better understand where they are coming from

 Microagressions in Everyday Life Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation (Derald Wing Sue) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ.


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