Kasey is a third year student majoring in anthropology and religion, and trying to fit in a French minor. She is also a Cave Community Advocate and you can join her in Tuesday morning’s Lute Masterclass sessions. When she isn’t in school she can be found hanging out with her dogs, reading, or working on an art project.
I have been doing organizing/activism work in some way/shape/form for over a decade now. I am also chronically ill and a chronic over-committer. This particular combination of traits means that I am usually exhausted and overwrought. In this moment we are living through, when so much is on the line, and so much is out of our control, when those of us and our friends and loved ones with minoritized identities face nearly daily assaults on our rights and our lives, it is easy to lose yourself in the struggle. It is easy to put yourself last while you focus on all the important work that needs to be done, all the fights that you want to be a part of. So I want to take this moment to remind you that self-care is a radical act in a world that tells us that because of our skin color, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, citizenship/immigration status, religion, or economic class that we do not matter, that we do not deserve care. While we may not have a final result in the presidential election for some time to come, there is time to breathe while the votes are tabulated, and we all deserve a break. I know this is hard when you’ve been running on manic energy and caffeine, (or maybe that’s just me) so I’ve compiled some tips for self care in uncertain times such as these.
Take care of yourself. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and eating well. I know this can be really hard when you are busy with school, work, and other obligations, but it is so vital right now. Take fifteen minutes between classes to walk outside or stretch.
Limit your exposure to stressors. For me, this has meant taking a break from social media and the news, but this might be different for you. Figure out what works and stick to it.
Connect to the people you care about. Pandemic life can be incredibly isolating, and can make you feel totally alone. Check in on your friends and see how they are handling things. Ask how you can support your loved ones, and ask for the support you need- remember that you are important to other people and they care about your well-being.
Remember that life will go on. It can be really easy to catastrophize in times like these, but no matter what, the world will continue to turn, and we will get through this.
Do some sort of meditative practice. Whether this is going for a run, praying, meditation, cleaning the kitchen, taking a bath, or working on an art project, do something that helps you to quiet the noise in your brain and destress.
Get outside. Humans evolved in nature and it heals us. Turn off your phone and spend some time in the trees. The Japanese have a practice called forest-bathing, that involves going into the woods, and just being with nature. Touch the plants, listen to the sounds of nature, pay attention to the smells around you, walk slowly or sit quietly. If you can’t get to a forest, go for a walk in your neighborhood or sit in a park. If these options aren’t accessible to you, the English Forestry Service has compiled a playlist of forest videos with 360° scrolling to allow you to “experience” nature on a screen. You can find those videos here: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGkoHMoA3GooGCnn0g_FtxpG5rHzfEyTI
Seek help. Know when what you are feeling is too big to hold by yourself, and reach out for assistance. You can contact a therapist or faith leader. The Counseling Center on campus has also compiled a list of resources for managing Election stress which can be found here. You can also schedule a same day appointment with the Counseling Center by calling (253)535-7206 or you can call the 24/7 Crisis Line to talk with someone immediately at (253)535-7075.
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